Tag: except

beanstalks burned to cook beans

beanstalks burned to cook beans

i made a pair of stereo contact microphones: one CD on table to protec table surface from the soldering tin. so the CD was broken by …


contact UCCA

contact UCCA

i put a pair of contct micphones on a handrail in UCCA. this is a test recording as you hear. if i want better quality i …


Good Night Computer

Good Night Computer

hearing the sound of computer fans for long time everyday. this is last 5 minutes before shut down the computer. two contact microphones on both side …




everybody playing Plants VS Zombies…




it was windy. i stepped on snow and ice, crossed a railway to visit a friend with a bottle of wine in hand. 5 minutes excerpt …


an excerpt of a day in life

an excerpt of a day in life

i pushed the record botton then left the recorder there. when i back to it i cut 5 minutes of the recording: